Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 13: Near Death Daddy

My Daddy almost died today! I'm not sure what that means exactly, but he said it would mean that he would have to go away for a very long time. This scary day started with Daddy finishing up his upgrade work on the magic screen. Sis was playing in the front room waiting for the school bus to arrive.
Mommy had gone to work with the government.
Daddy had gone to work too. He was dabbling around with junk and putting stuff together when suddenly there was a big BOOM and it set my Daddy on fire.
Daddy had to run all the way upstairs to get into the shower to put the fire out. Why are emergency showers towards the top of the building?
He wasn't seriously injured, but could have been. He was still able to answer to an emergency call.
It was a huge house fire, and he had to get the inhabitants out. One was pale skinned, had glowing eyes, and really didn't like the fire. The other one was more concerned about saving his stuff upstairs.
Everyone was okay, though - including my father. He spent a little time talking with the pale skinned man. The man was very thankful, but also looked... hungry.

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